It’s common to consider remodeling the kitchen, bathroom or patios, but thinking of replacing old sills and doors might be low on your priority list.
If you’re thinking of a home improvement project, your doors and windows could be the last things on your mind, but, consider the project, especially if you are remodeling an old house.
Here are some of the risks of letting old doors and windows remain in place:
Lead Paint
This is the most dangerous aspect of old houses.
The paint used may contain a lot of lead, and stripping them of paint or simply being around the stuff could be harmful to you and your family.
Just imagine your kids running around and putting their hands on the sill or knobs while there’s old paint filled with lead still coating it, possibly leading to health problems.
Aside from lead, you may have mold creeping up the wood that holds the glass or hinges together. This may be particularly true for bathroom doors and windows.
Make sure that you check these sites periodically and ask professionals to take a look.
Old Wiring
When frames are damaged or weak, someone could easily expose old electrical wiring in the house, which poses a danger to everyone in the family.
For bathrooms, the bottom part of the doors and frames could become jagged pieces of wood waiting to injure someone. Rotten sills could give way and hurt people.
By itself and intact, asbestos is not especially harmful. But if a crumbling wall or window frame contains this substance, your family could inhale the particles and suffer from associated health problems.
If you’re concerned with issues such as mold or lead paint in or on your windows or doors, it might be time to consider replacing them with products from Renewal by Andersen.
In addition to potentially improving the healthiness of your home, our new windows and doors offer other excellent benefits: They’ll save energy and reduce utilities bills. They’ll increase the value of your home. And their beauty and performance will last for many years to come.